To find the right internship, start with a list of your interests, talents and passions, says Pierre Huguet, chief executive officer and co-founder of H&C Education, an educational consultancy focused on college admissions. “Play to your strengths,” he says. “Which academic subjects and extracurricular activities come naturally to you? What qualities or abilities do your classmates, coaches, teachers, mentors, friends and family value most in you?”
Don’t be afraid to explore interests outside of school like video games, street art or building robots, Huguet says. “Often, the things we love doing are those we are naturally good at,” he says. “In high school, however, your passion for baking or skateboarding may not be fully appreciated by your teachers. Your internship should be an opportunity to explore things you are truly passionate about and can’t learn in school. With a little creativity, you can always find a way to pursue impressive projects at the intersection of your talents and passions.”