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What You Should Know About Legacy College Admissions

There has been a lot of debate recently about the role of “legacy” in the college admissions process. What does it mean to be a legacy student at a college or university, and what role does legacy status play in the college admissions process? As new college admissions statistics continue

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Ivy League College Admissions Trends in 2022

Recently, applicants to all of the eight Ivy League schools found out whether they were accepted, waitlisted, or rejected. Now that most of them have released their admissions data, we can deduce some trends in elite college admissions that will be helpful for students and families applying in the future

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Pros and Cons of Going to College Out of State

  Whether you’re in the process of putting together your college list or thinking about future possibilities, you may have wondered if going out of state for college is right for you. The decision to go out of state, or not, is a big one, and even if going out

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10 Questions to Ask On Your College Tour

Are you going on a tour of any colleges or universities any time soon? Make the most of it by doing your research beforehand and knowing exactly what you want to get out of your experience on the campus. Here are 10 essential questions you can ask on your tour

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How to Send Updates on Your College Application

Have you won an award or achieved something significant since submitting your application? You can — and, in many cases, should — send this update to your college admissions officers to add to your application file. Here’s how you should send colleges updates on your college application. Most high school

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How to Get Into the Ivy League

Harvard. Princeton. Yale. Columbia. They’re some of the most prestigious schools in the world. For many students, attending one of them has been a dream since childhood. For others, acceptance into the Ivy League seems almost impossible to obtain. Regardless, everyone agrees that applying to Ivy League schools is arduous,

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How To Write the UNC-Chapel Hill Supplemental Essays (2021-2022)

Welcome to the UNC-Chapel Hill supplemental essay prompts for the 2021-2022 college application cycle! Here’s everything you need to know to write the best supplemental essays possible. UNC-Chapel Hill is a top-notch school that is getting even more difficult to get into, especially for a school in a state system.

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What to Do After Receiving Your Early College Admissions Decision

Over the past few weeks, students across the world have finally heard back from their top-choice schools after applying through Early Action or Early Decision programs. There are three possible outcomes when applying EA or ED: accepted, deferred, and denied. Whatever the outcome of your EA or ED application may

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The Guide to Pre-Med & BA/MD and BS/MD Programs

Many high schoolers aspire to work in the medical field and become a doctor one day, but they might be less clear on how to start the long process of medical education they need when applying for their undergraduate college. While there are many paths to medical school, there are

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How To Write The Dartmouth College Supplemental Essays (2021-2022)

Welcome to the Dartmouth College supplemental essay prompts for the 2021-2022 application cycle! Here’s everything you need to know to write the best Dartmouth supplemental essays possible to increase your chances of admission to the class of 2026. As one of the Ivy League schools, Dartmouth is one of the

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