Our Comprehensive Approach
Academic Excellence
We’ll help you choose and navigate a course load that’s in line with your goals and interests. Your passion is the guiding thread of your entire high school career, and we’ll make sure your academic involvement and achievements highlight and reinforce your unique direction.
Leadership Mentoring
Our work is to help you find your work in this world, not just add a line to your resume. We help our students follow their passions to exceptional places, through creating impactful nonprofits and for-profits, writing public policy, and pursuing activism and entrepreneurship in the ways that are most meaningful to them.
College Admission
Athletic Recruiting
Think Like An Entrepreneur
Craft Your Story
Focusing Passion
Competitive colleges are looking for more than great grades and test scores. And they’re looking for more than a long list of extracurriculars—or rather, they’re looking for something different. To stand out in the applicant pool, students today must show not only clear evidence of sustained and focused leadership, but the passion that drives their hard work and impressive accomplishments. Our job is to assist students in identifying that passion, and in taking it far.
We help students surpass themselves, and we help them love the college admissions process.